Find the story in the painting

A friend shared this TED talk after a conversation about taking kids to museums and it really resonated with us.

Points of interest

  • hard to connect with paintings
  • “gallery fatigue” ⇒ guilt, shame
  • restaurant and dept store comparisons
  • What stops you in your tracks?
  • Make a story out of it!

The presented shares how Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring made her stop in her tracks. We are big fans of Vermeer having seen many of his works on our Amsterdam trip in 2014. He is a mysterious fellow and so the stories usually have to come from us as he left no know writings about his intentions or meanings of his work.

What a great opportunity for a family discussion!

Everyone explains what they think the painting is about using elements of the painting or artwork to “decode” any unknowns. 

If the artwork does have some known context, share it with the kids and ask them if they agree or disagree…and to explain why. (The why is where the critical thinking and learning dials up a notch.)

The point isn’t to become experts but to identify and nurture the natural interests of you and the kids. As they learn more and feel more confident they might feel empowered to continue learning later on the trip. This was the case with us when we took our growing interest in Vermeer and made a day trip pilgrimage to Delft, where the illusive artist lived. We went into his hometown museum and of course took plenty of pictures of natural light pouring in through windows.

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy

Family discussion topic: What works of art are already known (liked/disliked) in the family?

Van Gogh? da Vinci’s Last Supper? Munch’s scream??