Homer intro

Dan is neck deep in Homer (reviews forthcoming) and refuses to stop talking to the kids about it. They are excited that he is excited but they aren’t exactly following everything he’s talking about. This isn’t helped by the fact that it’s Homer (sex, violence) and they are 6 and 4 and so even with a rosy view of characters and gods it’s hard to describe what is actually happening.

These little 3min videos were helpful when sharing some of his enthusiasm with some kids of friends of ours who live in another state. Obviously only a conversation starter for the little kids but 8+ could definitely get started on these two epics (plenty of kids’ versions out there, we’ll try and review some of those too), while 12+ might go ahead and read the epics themselves (really).

Use videos like these to spark the family conversation before dinner or on family walk. Take the time to express any fascination and interest in myths and “the oldest stories in the world.” Kids love to see the (“old,” “stuffy,” “grumpy”) grown-ups displaying childlike enthusiasm. It’s a great subtle lesson in how learning is lifelong so you’re never too old to get excited about learning.

And while the oldest stories might seem irrelevant, white male dominated (true), there are themes and influences that still resonate in our culture and way of life. People rip off Homer in books, movies, comic books, etc. And with good reason. These stories haven’t lasted 3000 years because they’re boring or uninteresting.

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy