Flights for Family Travel: June 4 deals

Summertime is almost here, and if you’re like us, that brings to mind vacations and travel. We’ve never really found a “bad” time to search for flights but even with rather short notice there seem to be some good opportunities available; especially if you have some flexibility in your travel dates.

Here are some June 4 Flight Deals for inspiration:

True these are from larger cities however deals are available from all over the US. Of course, these rates do not last long and you might need bit of time to think about and budget for a trip so these are just examples from today’s email.

We recommend:

  1. as a family, identify possible destinations of interest
  2. estimate ideal duration per location (e.g., 7 days in Paris, 12 days in Italy)
  3. come up with high level (i.e., less detailed) trip budget (e.g., “We’d like to spend $____ total for the trip)
    1. from that determine your range for flight costs
  4. outline $$ ranges for each of the following
    1. “prohibitive”
    2. “doable”
    3. “Are we doing this?”
    4. “We’re doing this, now

For our family, here are our current ranges look for Greece. You may be below this or way above. Remember, whatever works for your family.

Crete, 2020 example

  1. $900+ – “prohibitive”
  2. $700-800 – “doable”
  3. $600 – “Are we doing this?”
  4. $500-600 – “We’re doing this, now

The above will get you in a place where you have a few options on your radar and you’ll be in a decent position to make the call should any of those flight deal line up.

For more on Flights for Family travel see:

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy

Disclaimer: We are not in any way affiliated with, we get no monetary or other reward for mentioning them here. We’ve just had luck with them as a resource before so we share accordingly. The tips above still apply no matter the source or your deals on flights.