New Year’s resolutions 2019

Happy New Year!!!

We hope you had a great holiday with your family. We certainly did. Lots of cooking and eating and playing with new presents (breaking a few too). We also had a few discussions about New Year’s resolutions. Great time of year to reinforce family rules about being kind and working hard but also family time, including family travel!

A quick online search brings up some familiar resolutions, and while we’re not exactly sure family travel will help shed those extra pounds (the food is too good!), here are some that travel can certainly help with:

  1. spend more time with the people that matter
  2. mindful spending
  3. learn a new language
  4. become more organized
  6. learn to cook
  7. be more self-reliant (kids too)
  8. learn more about art, music, culture, etc.
  9. spend less time on social media
  10. become more romantic (grown-ups only!)
  11. face your fears and insecurities
  12. start a journal
  13. read more
  14. walk 1000 more steps a day
  15. reduce stress (seriously)
  16. become more confident / take more chances
  17. meet new people
  18. stop procrastinating
  19. play more
  20. play more with your kids
  21. focus more on quality time
  22. turn off the devices

Not all resolutions are completed of course.

Some of ours that actually stuck include reading more (bedtime habit in our house) and family walks. In 2019 we are really focusing on more quality time together. With both of us working the weekdays can be a pattern of school/work, dinner, bedtime routine. Making sure we turn off the computer, put the phone away and enjoy each other every day.

Your 2019 resolutions

Which ones could you and your family consider this year that might get you closer to that next big family trip? Doesn’t have to be big or even pricey. It could just be deciding on a destination shortlist or a time of year for the trip. Maybe now is the time to start budgeting for the trip or getting your reading list in order. Maybe the kids could work on a watch list of documentaries or other videos to prepare for the trip.

Possibilities are endless, just share your goals with the kids, encourage them to make their own or contribute in their own way, and keep each other accountable!

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy