The scene, not the sand: European beaches

Europe has some of the most dramatic and gorgeous beaches in the world. Social media, magazines, travel shows all cover the Amalfi coast, the French riviera, the shores of Scotland, etc. Any day spent there would be well worth the effort. However, not all beaches are as you’d expect (if you live in North America, that is) and it’s important to have the right mindset before you go.

We recommend the scene much more than the sand.

If you want a perfect beach with powdery sand you’d be happier on the Oregon coast, southern California or Florida’s gulf coast. There are absolutely perfect beaches in Europe (see Dan on Naxos beach, right) but much of the beauty spots are about the scene, not the sand. Overcrowded, pebbly beaches are typical but so is an endlessly entertaining and delightful experiences. Restaurant seating on seaside cliffs. A young couple sharing a towel…every 6 feet. Kite surfers. Fisherman returning with lunch.

For families, keep an eye on shoulder season options. Some beaches might be deserted (or unbearable) depending on time of year. The beach also makes the perfect “green” day. Breakfast at the apartment, bring lunch to the beach, let the kids play all day, read a book or plan the next day’s adventures. Eat something unique, like octopus.

This recent GQ article includes some amazing European beaches to consider on future family trips.

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy

Family discussion topic: How does a beach day fit into your family’s expectations and interest?