Day 9 – back home

Betsy led the packing effort the night before. Dan handled the luggage, key return, and the Uber ride to the airport. Flights were on time, Global Entry worth it again, and 18 hours later we are home.

Showers, laundry, brush our teeth, and let’s see what time our bodies wake us up.

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy


Lessons learned:

  • family travel is wonderful
  • Paris never disappoints
  • flights are longer on the way home
  • it’s good to be home


Full disclosure: We back date our on-trip posts for two reasons. First, to give you a better picture of the day-to-day family travel experience, and most importantly, when we travel as a family we are focused on our own activities and experiences. Upon return home we gather up notes and pictures and then post. Hope you’ll understand:).