Day 8 – return to Montmartre and Eiffel tower

Last full day in Paris and we chose to return to a couple places for some art and some fun. And the sun even came out again!

First thing this morning Dan and our son went in search of a mailbox (harder than it sounds) to make sure all the postcards got out. The kids drew some pictures for each other and for their grandparents. Not sure if that’s cute or strange but they enjoyed doing it so no bother.

After our free walking tour of Montmartre the weather turned and the freezing rain was too much for us so we thought we’d try one more time to go up to Sacré-Cœur and check out the view and maybe the universally-claimed overpriced art market in nearby Place du Tertre. After a familiar metro ride, the walk straight up the hill was fun and the view outstanding. We took some pictures (see below) including an “Instagram” picture (“sinking house” below) that the kids thought was funny.

Place du Tertre was just as we expected it. A couple dozen artists selling their work while they painted. We’re not a sketch-my-kids family (yet) so we stayed on the side that had original artwork for sale. Dan was really hankering and after several rounds of self-doubt purchased a lovely landscape that the artist had painted while in Normandy. The artist signed and dated the work and wrapped it up tightly for the plane ride home. Pricey to say the least but everyone loved the painting Dan chose.

Also adding to the levity was how confident the kids are with navigating and “reading” signs, including finding the right bus stops and pulling up a seat with the Parisians. Check out our son (below, far right) in full Parisian mode waiting for the Montmartre minibus.  

A minibus, metro ride and a short walk later and we were at Trocadéro square across from the mighty Eiffel tower. It’s pretty a night but on a sunny day it’s magnificent. The kids were super excited despite freezing winds and a bit of hunger. We took a few pictures (Dan’s even in one!), watched a wedding party lose their battle with the wind, and stopped for a quick packed lunch.

After running around in the Champ de Mars (the park behind Eiffel tower)  we used the last of our bus tickets to take the recommended Bus 69 route back to our apartment. It was late afternoon by then and both kids fell asleep as we passed the Louvre and d’Orsay one more time, then the Notre Dame and off for one more Berthillon trip before we go home and pack for our morning flight.

What a gorgeous day. Looking forward to being home soon.

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy

Lessons learned:

  • Place du Tertre is, in fact overpriced (Dan still in shock/regret; he’ll be fine)
  • Eiffel tower twice in one trip was great; kids were thrilled
  • Bus 69 and other public transport worth every penny


Full disclosure: We back date our on-trip posts for two reasons. First, to give you a better picture of the day-to-day family travel experience, and most importantly, when we travel as a family we are focused on our own activities and experiences. Upon return home we gather up notes and pictures and then post. Hope you’ll understand:).