Day 7 – snow, souvenirs, postcards

For the last three days it’s been snowing. Unfortunately for the kids not enough has been sticking to make a snowman. They keep trying to scrap snow off of parked cars. It’s driving us crazy.

From the warmth of the apartment we all love the snow. The kids are less fond of the 3 layers we put on every time it’s time to leave for food or fun, but it’s overall a special treat for us on this trip.

Today we opted out a few more museums and instead focused on some better than usual food for Betsy as well as souvenirs and postcards before a quick trip back to the Notre Dame a) get out of the cold but also b) go revisit some of what we learned on the tour with Pablo.

We finally followed the crowds into a quick visit to the Shakespeare & Co bookstore too. It’s been downstairs this whole time but we’ve had so many other great activities we hadn’t made it yet. 

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy

Lessons learned:

  • make reservations to climb Notre Dame (we never got up there)
  • stay-at-home / no-plans-whatsoever days are quite enjoyable
  • sending postcards  everyone we know is pricey and very time-consuming


Full disclosure: We back date our on-trip posts for two reasons. First, to give you a better picture of the day-to-day family travel experience, and most importantly, when we travel as a family we are focused on our own activities and experiences. Upon return home we gather up notes and pictures and then post. Hope you’ll understand:).