Paris 2018 Google Map

Google’s MyMaps is a great tool we’ve used on the last few trips. The video below shows how easy (and FREE) it is to use as well as all the great functionality is has.

When traveling with young children getting lost or having no idea where to get a quick bit can be frustrating for everyone. We use this tool to create a map before the trip so that not only do we have all of the sights and their locations but also so we can see what else we might want to do before or after the main activity. Is there a park nearby or a gelato shop we were interested in? It’s a handy resource to have so you make the best use of your time out and about.

Ignore the odd translations and focus on the icons and types of sights and locations we added so you might have an idea what you’ll add to your own (such as your hotel or apartment location).

Notice how we included markets and parks we researched and even where the meeting point for one of our guided tours is. We even added the Hannibal statue we hope is in the Tuileries garden for Dan and our son.

The tool also let’s you collaborate so if you have big kids or other adults joining you on your next trip be sure to give them access and let them add their own suggestions!

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy

Family discussion topic: Who in the family is willing to contribute to the Google map? Who will be the navigator on the trip? (Find times/days where kids can do this as much as possible.)