Family travel resolutions 2018

Happy New Year everyone!!

What a great time of year to reflect and to make new exciting plans for the coming days, weeks, and months.

You may have already considered some resolutions (we’re a bit late this year but hope to write a few down this weekend) but we’d also like to offer some potential family travel-related resolutions.

Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris

“Monthly” resolutions can help keep you focused; even if you “skip” a resolution or two you don’t have to quit the whole year.

Here are twelve 1-month resolutions, in no particular order, that might get you and your family closer to that great trip together. Add and remove as you like. Most are doable in just a few hours so set sometime aside on your calendar and/or even assign different members of the family certain months to keep you focused!

talk soon,

Dan & Betsy

JANUARYbegin family discussion to travel goals
FEBRUARYlibrary trip for destination ideas
MARCHtest drive some “exotic” recipes from destination list
APRILbegin forming travel principles
MAYengage flight tools
JUNEcreate savings plan / budget
JULYexplore history and art of destinations (like Smarthistory)
AUGUSTresearch and celebrate holidays
SEPTEMBERstart exploring specific destination neighborhoods
OCTOBERcreate sample itineraries (input from everyone)
NOVEMBERfinalize destination, time(s) of year
DECEMBERbuy flights, rent an apartment, and have an amazing family trip in 2019 or 2020🙂