Kids sending themselves postcards

Postcards might be an outdated travel tradition but for us it’s alive and well. We consciously collect postcards throughout the trip (and stamps!) of places the kids enjoyed most and send them to family and friends.

postcards from Sorolla museum and Cordoba

Our friends and family know we are having a great time and are thinking of them, and the kids feel like they are active travelers and sharing their experiences.

It makes for great dinner conversation on the trip (what we liked today, who gets what postcard, etc.) and helps them process the day’s activities.

One addition we made this spring in Spain was for the kids to send themselves a post card. We asked our son (4) to draw a picture for our daughter (2) and vice versa. Admittedly, the idea came from having too many postcards but they were really thrilled to receive the cards (a week after we came home).

It’s cheap, it’s easy and provides another opportunity to reflect back on the places we went and the experiences we had.

Talk soon, Dan & Betsy

Family conversation topic: When was the last time you received a handwritten note from friend or loved one? How is that different than email and social media?