France 2018: social media research

Other than this blog we have a very minimal online presence. However, for us, Instagram can be useful for sharing kid stuff with extended family as well as for keeping track of travel ideas.

By following a few locales and special interests you can get a feel for a place and whether it fits the interests of you and your family.

We follow tourism boards, individual tour guides, museums, photographers and sometimes even chefs based out of locations we’re considering. If you’re interested in wine or skydiving or religious pilgrimages or anything else you can follow people/organizations that represent those in the places you’re interested in.

“Collections” help catalog points of interest “

You can Google “best Instagram accounts London” to find curated lists or, if you’re familiar with Instagram for example, follow one account and flip through who they follow and make yourself a little travel feed.

Additionally, you can now bookmark posts into “Collections,” which has been really useful for us in our thinking about France in 2018.

Below are a few accounts we’d consider following for France 2018 preparation. 
(we don’t know these people, just their photos, so we do not necessarily share the social/political/personal views of the owners of the account. That being said, they seem like nice enough people. If they aren’t we simply “Unfollow”.)

Older kid consideration: If allow them to have a phone, and be on social media, they could contribute to the planning of your trip by conducting this time of “research.”

Talk soon,

Dan & Betsy

Family Conversation topic: What will be your social media strategy (i.e., rules to be followed) during a trip overseas? Especially for the big kids and adults…how can we enjoy the moment but still have some jealousy-inducing photos to share with friends and family?